Wednesday, August 20, 2014


Hey there world! My name is Chloe, and I decided for some strange reason that I wanted to start blogging. So, about me. I love to sing, dance, everything disney, ski, read, and crochet or knit when I'm feeling crafty.  Right now I'm sitting at barnes and noble in blaine, trying to figure out exactly what I should say in this blog. I did have a good idea for a post the other day, so maybe that should go in here. I recently read this awesome book called Crazy Love by Francis Chan. (I definitely recommend it for all you Christians out there! :) ) Anyway, there was a lot of challenges in this book, but the most profound one that I found was based on the verses in 1st Corinthians about love. You know, love is patient love is kind...etc. So the challenge was to replace the word love with your first name. It ends up looking like this for my name:

Chloe is patient, Chloe is kind; Chloe does not envy or boast; she is not arrogant or rude. Chloe does not insist on her own way; she is not irritable or resentful; she does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Chloe bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. 

Basically, this passage becomes totally false. This makes me feel pretty guilty, because God loves us this way, and He calls us to love others this way, our neighbors and our enemies. So I'm not trying to make anyone else feel crappy for disobeying this. I'm simply challenging all of you to try to make this a part of your everyday life, sharing this crazy and amazing love with everyone around you.

Now you have probably figured out I am a strong believer in Christ. I am nowhere near perfect, nor will I shun you if you are not Christian. I will simply disagree and pray that you will see the light someday. Too much? Sorry, thats me for you. Anyway, this is a pretty good intro I'd say. Oh! I move in less than a week to go to college too, at the University of MN! I'm super stoked, lol do people still use that word? Well I just did. Started a trend. JK not really. But yeah, I will be living with my bff from high school and middle school. I am planning on pursuing studies in biomedical engineering and neuroscience. So yeah! Exciting stuff! Now I think I'm going to read my book about how the brain works, since I am in a bookstore after all. I will post again soon! 

Much love,
Chloe :) 

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